
Nursery Rhymes Collection - 15 Songs For Kids

This is Tinyschool's collection of our most popular nursery rhymes for kids in preschool age ... Itsy Bitsy Spider, Colors Song, 5 Grey Elephants and more.

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

2015年12月27日 — a girl walking next to a brown teddy bear in the grass with trees and rocks. Si eres feliz y tú lo sabes aplaude así - Canciones infantiles | ...


ThisisTinyschool'scollectionofourmostpopularnurseryrhymesforkidsinpreschoolage...ItsyBitsySpider,ColorsSong,5GreyElephantsandmore.,2015年12月27日—agirlwalkingnexttoabrownteddybearinthegrasswithtreesandrocks.Sieresfelizytúlosabesaplaudeasí-Cancionesinfantiles| ...